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Daily Bread Missions (Under Construction)


Article 34 – Wild Dog Miracle

It was at the Festival of Transport in Hellingly where once a year the transport festival brought thousands to  Hellingly.  Every form of old transport was on view with the steam tractors especially an attraction.

We were sitting around the arena watching the RAF guard dogs on display. They were of course Alsatians and were led through their paces by smart RAF officers and men. It was a grand display of total obedience with the dogs going through tunnels leaping through fire and chasing men to catch them

Tony watched his grandson Ben as he sat playing on either side as they sat on the edge of the arena were dogs  One a lovely Golden Labrador the other another Alsatians. Ben showed no signs of fear.Tony’s mind went back to that evening of the telephone call. Tony and Sheila were not on the telephone and Sheila had gone to her evening prayer and bible study meeting.  It happened that it had a theme  Praise and thanking God in all circumstances.   A message had come to our neighbour Joyce Knights telling that Ben had been savaged by a dog. He had been rushed to Billaricay Hospital for Micro surgery.

Tony was in a state of shock as he rushed around to Windsor road to get Sheila.  She returned having shared the news with the prayer group who had prayed and praised God.  It had been a challenge for how could they praise God for this?   Only they could thank God that Ben was still alive.

The journey to the Hospital was a nightmare as Tony raced in the night through Tunbridge Wells up to the Dartford Tunnel and through Essex to Billaricay. He had been stooped by  a policeman in an unmarked car as he overtook some slow cars at the traffic lights. It had not been dangerous only he was in a restricted area. The policeman had been sympathetic and once he realised that Tony had not been drinking    he allowed him to continue with a friendly caution.

Arriving at the hospital Tony Parked the car and entered the hospital  it was around 11.30 Pm and the hospital was asleep and the corridor echoed as they almost ran to the ward. The sight that met them was shocking as they entered the intensive care room. A slight figure was lying in a cot with a lot of tubes and wires attached.  Apparently Ben had needed 60 micro stitches. His arms were in splints to prevent him touching his face and we were told later that his life was in danger.  After looking at him Sheila and Tony prayed “Lord save him”.   It was a very moving moment and   there were tears in their eyes as they left the room to wait for Bens mother to arrive.

The next few days were harrowing as Bens condition was critical.  Back in Hailsham most everyone had heard the news and hundreds of folk were praying. After two  or three weeks he was allowed to get up and run around the ward.  He still had his arms in  splints but they were shocked as they saw his face. The micro stitches had been taken out but the wound had opened up and looked appalling.  The  attack was published  in the national papers and because the press were harassing Bens parents so it was decided that they come to Hailsham for a week or two while the fuss died down.

The Lord answered the prayers of hundreds of people when a year later Ben came for a return visit to Hailsham and joined his grandparents at the festival of transport.   Tony watched with amazement as Ben sat at the side of the arena with a dog either side of him and an arena full of dogs . Ben was unconcerned and seemed completely indifferent to the dogs around him.

The one thing Sheila and Tony had asked the Lord was      that Ben would have no fear.  The evidence was clear.  Bens wounds had been appalling. The dog had bitten deep into his face , into his ear channel and very near Bens left eye.  The eye had come out. There had been much prayer for Bens healing and now two years later Bens sight was perfect  His hearing was unaffected and his had no scar. Also the blessing of God was upon him because he had no fear of dogs, truly a miracle of Jesus.  All glory to his name.