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Daily Bread Missions (Under Construction)


Article 29 – What think ye of Christ?

It was three o’clock on a hot sunny afternoon, in June. The Wish Tower grounds were crowded with people, lazing around. I looked at the man on the seat, his face shone. They were waiting for the outdoor service to begin. An elderly man was coming around with the hymn sheets. We got talking. Evan Jones told me how the Lord had saved him.

He was in a meeting in London, and the text given out was, “What think ye of Christ?” Evan felt the words pierce his heart. When the message concluded an appeal was made. He had resisted going forward and left the meeting place with those words resounding again in his heart. “What think ye of Christ?” Returning home by train to Southampton, Evan tried to still his conscience, but could get no peace. Looking up as the train drew into a station, he was amazed to see a poster with the words, ” What think ye of Christ?”.

The train continued its journey and Evan wrestled with those words. Again as the train stopped in another station there again were the words, “What think ye of Christ?”. He could not believe his eyes. His thoughts were in a turmoil as fragments of the message whirled around in his mind. The journey was he thought, thankfully ending. It was dark as they drew into the station at Southampton. The carriage stopped and looking out, there illuminated before him, was a poster which read, “What think ye of Christ?”

Tears filled his eyes, as Evan told me what had happened. “I dropped onto my knee’s on the platform and prayed, asking the Lord to save me. As I knelt there in prayer, a porter rushed up, “What’s the matter sir, are you all right ?” “Yes”, I shouted ” I’m saved, I’m saved”. His face was shinning with joy, and there seemed to be a strange, yet glorious light shining in his face, as he related his testimony.

Friend, “What think ye of Christ?”.